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The strange behaviour of Nicholas Greet
It is alleged that Greet wrote two anonymous letters to the defense team which have raised suspicions as to his motives.
The first was received by Michael Guest, trial lawyer for Bain two weeks after the murders. Mike Guest stated that the letter made several claims being "when the ODT (Otago Daily Times) printed the picture of the position of the bodies, Nick was able to say that the position of the gun was incorrect. Nick also mentioned to me that he had some sort of relationship with Stephen (Sexual?). Although I have no evidence that he was responsible for the deaths, I believe that Nick has a lot of information that could prove helpful in your inquiries".

Joe Karam had issued a public appeal for the writer to come forward.

In early May, a second anonymous email was sent. It said the writer had spoken to Greet about the Bain case in June 1994. The email also said Greet was seen walking out of an Aids clinic in an agitated state saying he had spent the night with prostitute Laniet Bain and that she was going to get it for what she had given him.

Greet has been among Bain's greatest supporters and is a member of the David Bain support team. His motives for potentially involving himself are unclear. Greet has voluntarily submitted himself to a police fingerprint test.

It is now believed that Greet's anonymous letters were an attempt to cast doubt on Bain's guilty verdict. He has been eliminated as a serious source of information pertaining to the Bain case.

Next related article: Forward to The evidence of Dean CottleThe evidence of Dean Cottle
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Nicholas Greet's behaviour has still not been fully explained - what was his purpose?

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