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Formerly an invitation only facility, the New Zealand Police Museum moved into new premises in 1996 and is now open to the public. Policing New Zealand is an integral part of our social history. Through a range of fascinating exhibits, the police museum highlights how policing has development as part of our nation's history.
Exhibits include original uniforms, methods of transport, arms, technology, regalia and scene setting from some major crimes and disasters. It's medals collection is arguably one of the country's finest and is still developing.

Where is it?

At the Royal New Zealand Police College at Papakowhai on the west side of State Highway 1 between Porirua and Paremata. As you enter the police college it's virtually the first building on your left as you come up the hill. Look for the lovely wrought iron gate rescued from the old Taranaki Police Station. There's usually plenty of parking.

How do you get there?

Travelling north: on State Highway one - go into the right lane as you pass under the Porirua on-ramp. Take the first turn to the right which is the Waitangirua/Papakowhai turnoff, go through the traffic lights across State Highway 1 and take the first turn left. Watch for the RNZ Police College sign on your right.

Travelling south: on State Highway 1, after negotiating the Paremata roundabout, go into the left lane, then take the first turn left through the traffic lights at the Waitangirua/Papakowhai turnoff. Take the first left again, and watch for the RNZ Police College sign on your right.

Opening Hours, Tours, Pricing

For the latest information on opening hours, tour arrangements or pricing information please visit the Official Police Museum page at or email

Is it worth a look?

In an article in the police in-house magazine, Ten-One, the director Bronwyn Grant said the Police Museum was unique and fortunate in being a repository for exhibits from judicial processes (things produced by police in evidence in court trials)and is important to the nation's history. She said the museum is important as a public education process telling stories about police and humanises what to some, might be a faceless entity, particularly for children.

In the Ten-One feature she tells a funny story about a child sitting astride a police motor cycle telling his parents he was going to be a policeman when he grew up. "And I'm going to spend all my wages on buying lollies for my boy, he said."'s editor has been to the police museum and found it fascinating, especially the old uniforms, the amazing array of firearms, swords and other weapons, some of which have been used in New Zealand's most notorious crimes. The old old uniforms lend a touch of nostalgia, then there's the macabre, the noose used in New Zealand's last judicial hanging.

It certainly is worth a look.

NOTE: Policing New Zealand is a section of, it is not authorised or related to the New Zealand Police

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Formerly an invitation only facility, the New Zealand Police Museum moved into new premises in 1996 and is now open to the public.

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