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Parents keep your children safe!
Crimes against children are particularly shocking to those that have their own children or contact with children in a similar age bracket as the victim.
It’s easy and common to think that maybe the child wasn’t being watched closely enough or that such a thing would never happen in your home town. Yet really we all know that it could be anyone’s baby that is lost, stolen or hurt.

Safety while Out and About
Although child stealing and abductions are not as common place in New Zealand as some other countries, they can and do happen, we suggest:
When dressing your child
  • Don’t let your children wear clothes with their names on them (this makes them an easy target. A child will be more likely to follow someone away if that person knows the child’s name.)
When in crowded places
  • Dress your children in easily unidentifiable clothes (e.g. strong colours or stripes)
  • Put a whistle around your child’s neck for emergency only use
If your child walks to school
  • Always make sure they walk with other people or in a group
  • Teach them NEVER to accept rides or gifts from strangers
  • If they feel threatened then run to the nearest shop or police officer
  • Teach them to NEVER let their friends accept rides or gifts from strangers
Safety at home and from people that might want to cause your child harm

The truth of the matter (unfortunately) is that there is a lot bigger chance that your child may be harmed by someone they know and you trust. It is important to educate your child as best as possible in regards to the dangers so if the situation arises they have the skills to protect themselves.
  • Encourage your child to speak openly to you about anything (give them real answers to their questions not fairytales)
  • The one person that should always be on your child’s side is you. ALWAYS believe your child when they tell you someone has been touching them inappropriately
  • WARN them of the dangers and how to react to them. They need to know that no
    Are you doing enough to keep your children safe? Would you like some suggestions? offers some safety hints to assist parents in their keep safe crusade.
    t all adults are good.
  • EDUCATE them using sex education but be age appropriate (there are many good books in your local library that can help with this often difficult subject)
  • HELP your child feel comfortable enough to say NO! When asked to do something they are unsure of.
  • DON’T make them be blindly obedient to adults. Tell them to say NO firmly but politely or teach them to run to others and check it is all right with another adult.
  • TEACH your children that some secrets must not be kept
  • Children should feel free to say “No” to kisses and touch from anyone.
  • Don’t FORCE them to kiss or hug anyone.
  • Only ever leave children with someone you trust but BE AWARE that many children are abused by adults in a trust position.
Children that are home alone

If your children are left at home alone for any reason it is important to ensure they have plans in place to keep themselves safe.
  • NEVER let your children walk home alone
  • Organise safe places for your children to stop if they need help on the way home.
  • Child should lock the door upon entering but should have access to a key in case of a fire.
  • Have your child ring someone as soon as they arrive home and set a deadline.
  • If they are allowed to answer the telephone leave clear instructions in regards to what information they are to give out.
  • Have a plan about answering the door. Make sure they are able to see who is at the door before they open it and what to do if it is a stranger.

Educating your children on keeping themselves safe is one of the most important lessons you can teach them. Arm your children with knowledge and skills and reduce their chances of being a victim.

If you have any more ideas for keeping children safe, feel free to send them to us using the feedback page.

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Are you doing enough to keep your children safe? Would you like some suggestions? offers some safety hints to assist parents in their keep safe crusade.

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