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Stewart Murray Wilson
Stewart Murray Wilson had a chequered past as a teenager. He had been convicted on burglary charges and had been a patient in Dunedin's Cherry Farm physchiartic Hospital, allegedly due to brain damage that made him uncontrollable. For the next 23 years, he cut a path of destruction. Murray's crimes against his female victims included beatings, rapes and his intimidating, threatening behaviour kept the women silent.
Among the abuse alleged, he is known to have drugged and raped a Danish tourist who had only wanted a place to stay whilst in New Zealand. Murray beat his wife, Lorraine so badly, that she miscarried. The break in the case actually came through Murray's only daughter. On another unrelated matter, Murray met with Holmes Producer, Chris Cooke, about an interview over his son's death. Cooke was disturbed that Murray's young daughter had never attended school and appeared not to be well looked after. He reported Murray to the New Zealand Children and Young Persons Service. The child was removed from Murray's care.
Through this action, the detai
For the next 23 years, he cut a path of destruction |
ls of Murray's abuse and violent offending came to the foreground. The allegations mushroomed, as more victims stepped forward to tell their stories. They told of such horrific repeat sexual abuse and violence that Murray ended up facing charges. He pleaded not guilty. The charges from the 16 women were :
9 rape charges
1 attempted rape charge
6 indecent assault charges
2 cruelty to children charges
2 assault charges
1 bestiality charge
2 attempting to drug, to take advantage charges
2 drugging a women for sex charges
He was found guilty on all but two charges, and sentenced to 21 years in prison.
 The horrifying true story of a man who got away with sexual abuse on woman and children for many years. |