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Drug Free and Happy
To lead a drug-free, happy and successful life it helps to have:

Supportive Family Relationships
A loving, warm, caring and supportive home where problems can be talked through and guidelines negotiated, is often missing in the lives of people who have a drug problem.

Talking and listening as a family is probably the most important thing to do. It is important that parents actually listen to their children, understand their feelings, and get their children to understand and views too.

Young people also need to feel that they belong somewhere, that they have a home.

High Self-Esteem
Everyone needs to think of themselves as being a worthwhile person. Good self-esteem comes from being loved, respected,wanted,praised, trusted and cared for. Those who feel good about themselves may feel less inclined to use drugs.

Positive encouragements and support from parents will lower the risk of children becoming substance abusers. Negative attitudes and put-downs will not help children deal with their lives and problems.

The Ability to Make Decisions
Adults and young people need to feel in control of their own lives, to think, make their own decisions, set goals, and be aware that good and bad consequences flow from their decisions.

Children who cannot control their own lives, who are overly restricted by their parents, controlled with rewards and punishments, may rebel and experiment in irresponsible ways.

Kindly reproduced with the permission of the New Zealand Police Association

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Being drug-free can help you to lead a happy and successful life

New Zealand Police Association
Reproduced with the kind permission of the NZ Police Association

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