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Checklist for Parents
What do you do when someone in your family is taking drugs?:
Be Supportive

Sort out your views on drug use and misuse

Establish guidelines on drugs and drug use within your family

Educate them on the effects of drugs and the law on drugs

Aim to keep them safe and healthy

Evaluate your own use of drugs and become a role model

Seek help for your own drug problem if you have one

Share your concern with others

Seek early help and advice


When do you make time to talk to your children? How often? Do you listen to what they have to say?

Do you treat your children as people with rights of their own? Do your children respect your rights?

When there is a problem, how does your family handle it?

How long ago did you tell and show your children that you loved them?

How do your children know that they can trust you?

What are the ways you help your children make their own decisions?

Are you interested in them and their friends? Have you encouraged them into healthy activities?

Unfortunately, many young New Zealanders will experiment with drugs no matter what their parents do or say. This generally does not lead to ongoing drug use or drug problems. So don't panic.

Kindly reproduced with the permission of the New Zealand Police Association

When family members are using drugs it can be a little scary. It's important to know how to properly handle the situation. Gently suggest if their addictions are out of hand that maybe drug or alcohol rehab would be a good choice. There is a drug rehab program for anyone that has a desire to beat their addictions.

Sometimes drug rehab is the only way for people to fully understand how much of a problem they have.

Families should stick together through thick, thin, and drug and alcohol problems alike!

Back to Drug Abuse Index

What do you do when someone in your family is taking drugs?

New Zealand Police Association
Reproduced with the kind permission of the NZ Police Association

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