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Think Whether You’ll Choose To Drink
Alcohol changes the way people feel, think and see.
Many adults enjoy moderate, social, responsible drinking. The trick is not to let it get out of hand.

Alcohol affects people differently
Smaller people, often women and adolescents, are more easily intoxicated than bigger heavier people. This is because alcohol is easily dissolved in water. And as our bodies are mostly fluid, bigger heavier bodies have more fluid to dilute the alcohol.

Best to eat when you drink
Most alcohol passes through the stomach into the small intestine, where it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Having food in the stomach slows the alcohol absorption process. Some foods delay alcohol absorption further because they are hard for the stomach to digest. They are foods high in fat, (eggs, cheese, nuts and fried foods), complex carbohydrates (pasta, bread, popcorn), and proteins (meats).

Alcohol goes right through the body
Once alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream it circulates and is distributed throughout the body. The central nervous system, muscle tissue, and the brain take in the highest concentration of alcohol. Bone and fatty tissue comparatively little alcohol. The higher the blood alcohol concentration, the more drunk a person will be.

Bubbly makes you drunk faster
Bubbly alcoholic drinks, such as champagne, make people drunk faster. This is because carbonated drinks and beverages are more rapidly absorbed into the blood.

Drink quickly affects the anxious
A person who is depressed, anxious or stressed, may quickly get drunk, faster than normal. Because they are in an agitated emotional state alcohol will be literally dumped into their small intestine.

Reproduced with kind permission from The New Zealand Police Association

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