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The Crime Timeline
The timeline of events surrounding the call to emergency services. This is one possible timeline and is subject to speculation.
June 20 1994 65 Every Street Dunedin
Time Sequence of Events
5:30 am David Bain’s alarm clock is set to activate.
6:30am The caravan alarm clock is set to activate.
* Opposing times of the computer being switched on.
6.45 am David seen at the front gate of 65 Every St.
7.00 am Neighbour woken by a barking dog
7.09 am 111 Call- Referred to St. John’s Ambulance.
Approximately 15-20 minutes later referred to police. (This time has not been validated and is subject to confirmation)
7.33 am Police arrive at 65 Every St. and due to no response make entry.
 A possible timeline on events surrounding the phone call to emergency services. |