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Week One - Prosecution Case Highlights
The Crown’s contention is that Watson was the unidentified man that offered the weary Ben and Olivia a berth for the night on his boat.

  • Scott Watson and his sister thoroughly cleaned inside and repainted parts of his boat before it was examined by police after January 7, 1998.

  • Found on board Watson’s boat was a blanket that had two hairs attached to it. These hair samples were tested and the Crown claims strong scientific anaylsis support the theory that they came from Olivia Hope.

  • 176 scratchmarks on the boat’s hatchcover may have been made by fingernails - according to scientists.

  • A metal box of audiotapes and three warrants allowing police to intercept communications were presented to the court as an exhibit, however it was not stated who the taped phone conversations were between or what they said.

  • Olivia’s father testified that his daughter’s fingernails were in line with the end of her fingers and elegant rather than stubby.

  • Witnesses claimed that they met Watson on 27 December 1997, and he was planning to go to Furneaux Lodge to get “babes”.

  • Another witness, Yvonne Greer, stated that Scott Watson told her that he was going to rename his boat “Mad Dog” and kept repeating “kill the dogs”. He also told her he had a machete on board for killing fish.

Friday, June 10, 1999: Jury chosen for Scott Watson trial
In the High Court at Wellington a jury of five women and seven men was chosen in the Scott Watson murder case.   read story...
Prosecution Opens Case. New evidence of taped conversations entered as Crown exhibit
Prosecution opens case against Scott Watson   read story...
Furneaux Lodge staff give evidence
Mr Brian Beban , manager at Furneaux Lodge on the night of New Year's Eve 1997, gave evidence in court today.  read story...
Holiday-makers tell of meetings with Scott Watson.
Numerous holiday makers who were at Endeavour Inlet in the Marlborough Sounds on New Year's Day 1998 continue to give evidence in the High Court trial of Scott Watson.  read story...
Launch owner testifies of meeting Scott Watson
A witness, Murray John Knowles of Christchurch, testified that he met Scott Watson on the night before Ben and Olivia disappeared.   read story...
Next related article: Forward to Week Two -  Testimonies of Numerous Witnesses HeardWeek Two - Testimonies of Numerous Witnesses Heard
Prev related article: Back to The Legal TeamsThe Legal Teams

Back to Scott Watson Trial - Guilty Verdict Returned Index

The Crown says that sex was the motive for Scott Watson murdering Ben Smart and Olivia Hope, and that Ben was killed only because of what he had witnessed.

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